Everything Political Science

a blog about understanding power, politics, and policy.

Institutions (Formal and Informal)

Have you ever wondered how societal interaction has been orderly structured? This structure is possible due to formal and informal institutions. 

Institutions are stable rules of conduct that are reasonably well known by all involved by constraining and enabling one’s behavior. Institutions can be broken down into formal and informal. 

Formal institutions are always written rules that are legally passed, communicated, and enforced in an official process. It is long lasting and can determine whether and how a struggle for power unfolds. Very crucial for democracy. 

Examples: Constitution, political parties, legislatures, etc.

In contrast, informal institutions are unwritten and unofficial rules that are socially shared, created, communicated, and enforced outside of an official process. 

Examples: Rules for manners in a subway vs a party (typically one knows not to bother others in the train, but in a party it’s encouraged to interact with others and have fun!), rules to govern administration of justice.